Sunday, February 22, 2015


This year we went as a train conductor and chef for Halloween! We had a fun party at school and at Mum's work.

It's getting cold… we are getting ready for Christmas in Oz..

And very excited about it..

Sunday, October 12, 2014


Today we went Apple and Pumpkin picking for the 3rd year in a row at Stuart's Farm!

The pumpkin's were huge!

We each picked our own pumpkin to take home...

After that we met Jack & Toby for some Apple picking!

There was picking…

and eating...

...lot's of eating.

We did share some...

They were delicious!

Afterward's we had a picnic...

Where 'monster' bee's threatened to eat all our food and sent us a bit crazy!

It was a great day!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Nanna Bams and Pa came to visit and we had an amazing month!

There were scooting trips to Washington Square Park...

Mornings at the National History Museum...

Visits to the Union Square Farmer's Market...

And we got to take them to our ballet and soccer classes!

There was fine dining at Red Farm...

And a visit to Cape Cod!

Where we spent the whole weekend in the pool with Issa and Nico!

And of course there was golf..

Back in New York we visited an amusement park in Central Park...

Where Dadda and Nanna Bams took us on a roller coaster!

It was a wonderful month and we were very sad to see them go!