Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

We had a lovely Easter! 

Mum and Dad invited some of our friends around for lunch on Easter Sunday.

The Easter bunny visited our roof and we had an Easter Egg hunt with our friends Jack, Toby, Aurelia, Kaija and Jackie R!

Mum and Dad got a new camera last week and it's like we have our own personal paparazzi entourage! We can't even bathe without Mum following us in there! 

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Technically it's Spring in NYC but the reality is it's still freezing! That means.... lots of indoor activities to keep us occupied. 

This weekend involved a trip to the Children's Museum on the Upper West Side... It was so much fun!

The games are educational but fun!!! 

Yes... that's an oversized toilet...

Stella rode a mounted 'NYC' police horse!

Then it was arts and craft time.

We drove a car...

...and Stella rode a dragon..

...whilst Harrison had fun with ribbons.

This weekend we also baked a cake our godmother Lexi told us about... it was a lemon yoghurt cake....

...and it was delish!!

Friday, March 15, 2013


Apologies for the silence these past few weeks... we have all been passing the usual winter illnesses between each other. Not fun!

Don't worry... we haven't let it cramp our social life. We still caught up with our bestie Jack for coffee and cookies at O...

...and our cousin Lizzie for brunch at Rosemary's...

This week we had our 2 year check up at the Dr's.

Harrison's stats: Weight 27.8lbs, Height: 36 1/4"

Stella's stats: Weight: 25.2lbs, Height 37 1/4"