Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Time!

This was our first Christmas in NYC and it was great!

Mum and Dad have some time off work and we've been hanging around the city, brunching, going to classes.. climbing ladders again...

..and catching up with friends such as Kaija and Aurelia for burgers and watermelon pops!

Unfortunately, Harrison got sick with a cold and then a tummy bug right before Christmas.

Christmas morning he awoke to open presents from Santa and vomit all over Mum (and the sofa, rug, sheets..)

He recovered in Mum & Dad's bed with Stella and dry cereal..

It didn't dampen his spirits too badly.. he still rallied to ride his brand new scooter! 

As did Stella!

The family collection of 'cat eye' diamante glasses were also a hit!

We had a beautiful Christmas lunch at our friend Jack's house! Mum is so upset that she didn't take any photos! We were a little out of sorts and had a big nap during Christmas lunch (like Pop and Pa do each year) and she forgot to take any when we woke up :(

That night we came home and discovered the self timer on the camera. We both worked out how to use it and practiced taking photos of Mum, Dad and the two of us..

We also don't mind a 'self portrait' or two..

Merry Christmas everyone! Xo

Saturday, December 15, 2012


We met Santa today!!

We look a little scared.. but that was because we were afraid he knew we had been a combination of naughty and nice this year ;)

He gave us lollipop's afterwards which makes him 'cool' in our books..

Friday, December 7, 2012


Last weekend we went Xmas tree shopping with Mum & Dad! 

It's been a week and we've only broken 1 decoration so far!

Potty training has been put on hold until January. We were doing excellent and loved sitting on the potty, however Mum & Dad under estimated how much work it would take on their end and they decided to post-pone until January when things are quieter (Mum was also having issues with the fact we are growing up so fast...she is struggling to let go..)

To remind her how young and irresponsible we still are we took turns climbing a tall ladder in the apartment.