Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Our restaurant Betel started serving brunch last weekend and we went  to sample a good old Aussie Breakfast.

We have been all about our shoes and walking this past week. We LOVE to wear our shoes. Even when we are eating breakfast. We can't wait to start walking.

We also had a fun play date with Jack last Friday and enjoyed some Crumbs baby cupcakes...yumm...

On a side note... Mother/Daughter dressing....we are guilty as charged!

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Apart from some nude 'pirate ship scooting'....

We spent a lot of this weekend practicing walking..

On Friday Stella took her first few solo steps. Not walking yet... just slowly building her confidence. Harrison is getting a good grip of his balance.
On Saturday we went shopping and had our first pair of shoes fitted! Another big milestone that excited Mum and Dad more than us ;)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Apples, Sunglasses and a Pirate Ship!

As mentioned last post, we have both been teething recently. One good idea that Mum got off our friend Aunty Prue was to give us whole apples to chew! We like them straight out of the fridge so they are really cold. It feels nice on our sore gums...
 Speaking of Aunty Prue - we met her, Jack and Will  today for an early lunch. We made sure to rug up in our winter coats and sunglasses..

Harrison planting a kiss on Stella...

Tom Cruise who?? Top Gun what??

Our new favorite toy is a 'Pirate Ship' from Aunty Cath and Uncle Baz. We love to play with it and scoot around the apartment together.

When cheeky Stella is driving Harrison makes sure to hold on tight!!!  

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Uncle Nick comes to visit!

Uncle Nick came to NYC this week and we had a fun sleep over! We miss him and hope he returns for another visit soon!

Been a tough weekend. Stella is getting another two top teeth and Harrison another two bottom teeth! We like to do things in pairs!

Harrison also had his first 'boo boo' and cut his head on the coffee table. Ouch.